Evolução geologica das rochas maficas e ultramaficas no Greenstone Belt Barbacena, região de Nazareno, MG




The study area is located at the southem border of the São Francisco Craton and shows plutonic, vo1canic and sedimentary rocks, of Archean to Mesoproterozoic age, reworked by later thermo-tectonic events. Two different groups of mafic and ultramafic rocks occur in this region. The first is a komatiite-tholeiite sequence belonging to the Barbacena Greenstone Belt, and the second consists of differentiated mafic-ultramafic bodies intruded in this vo1canic-sedimentary sequence. This research aims to characterize and reconstruct the evolution of these two groups of mafic and ultramafic rocks. The rocks ofthe vo1canic-sedimentary sequence are distributed in two irregular NE-SW belts, named Nazareno and Rio das Mortes belts, surrounded by intrusive Paleoproterozoic granitoids. The Al-depleted komatiites (ADK, AlzO3/ TiOz <20) present Ti, Zr, Sc ratios different from the chondrite pattems and are HREE depleted. They are interpreted as the result of plume related magmatism generated at depths of 450 to 600 km. The tholeiite succession presents transitional characteristic between E-MORB and N-MORB, similar to basalts of oceanic plateau, and is best interpreted as the result of a mantle plume related intra-oceanic plate. Four different mafic-ultramafic layered bodies are distributed in the vo1canic sedimentary belts with different proportions ofmafic (metagabbros and anphibolites) and ultramafic (metaperidotite and metapiroxenite) components. In spite of the metarnorphism and deformation, the original textural features such as cumulate textures and magmatic layering, indicative of differentiated magmatic plutonic protholiths, are still preserved in some of them. The REE pattems ofthese bodies are similar to the classicallayered complex, suggesting an anorogenic setting. The region was affected by at least three thermo-tectonic events, DO-i>Do e D 0+1. The oldest, probably of Archean age, developed at lower amphibolite conditions (M1) is recognizable in the vo1canic sedimentary rocks. Pervasive tectonic features recorded also in the vo1canic sucession and in the mafic-ultramafic layered bodies, characterize the main deformation event Dn. This event occurs in lower to middle amphibolite facies and represents the first register of the Transamazonian Event in the region. The Dn+ 1 phase is impressed in all rocks of the study area and developed at upper greenschist facies (M3), representing either the second manifestation oftheTransamazonian Event or an event related to the Brasiliano Orogenic Cycle. The geological evolution proposed for these rocks involves the deposition ofvo1cano-sedimentary succession in an oceanic plateau setting; collage and accretion of oceanic plateau at a continental margin; intrusion ofmafic-ultrarnafic layered bodies in an anorogenic setting; deformation and metamorphism of these sequences during the Transamazonian event, followed by the intrusion of several granitoid bodies and diorites associated to magmatism of the Mineiro Belt. Probably, the reactivation of the oldest structures in greenschist facies occurred during the Brasiliano Event. The age of the beginning of this evolution is still poorly known. However, the minimum age is marked by the Cassiterite Trondhjemite body (2.612:!: 10 Ma) intrusive in the mafic-ultramafic bodies and their host rocks


metamorfismo (geologia) petrologia rochas igneas - nazareno (mg) geologia estrutural geoquimica

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