Evolução e ecologia de tricomas em Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae): estruturas morfológicas de defesa anti-herbivoria? / Evolution and ecology of trichomes in Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae): morphological structures of anti-herbivory defense?


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis focused on the evolutionary-ecology of trichomes in the tribe Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae), and in the potential defensive role of these structures against herbivores. More specifically, we characterized four trichome morphotypes found in vegetative plant parts of representatives of the Bignonieae, as well as studied the macro-evolutionary patterns of these trichomes, and the functional role of patelliforme nectar secreting trichomes in different scales of time and space. The first chapter describes four different trichome types micro and macromorphologically, as well as investigates their evolutionary patterns during the history of Bignonieae. The four different trichome types recognized are: non-glandular trichomes (ng), glandular peltate trichomes (gp), glandular stipitate trichomes (gst), and glandular patteliform/cupular trichomes (P/Cgt). Our analyses indicated that three of these trichomes were likely already present in the most recent common ancestor of the tribe Bignonieae (i.e., non glandular, glandular peltate, and glandular patteliform/cupular), while the glandular stipitate trichomes evolved more recently and multiple times during the history of the tribe. Results from this study were combined with a literature review in order to revise the trichome terminology and propose standardized names for the various trichome types currently found in the group. The second chapter tested the efficiency of patelliform nectar-secreting trichomes (extrafloral nectaries, EFNs) in two species of Anemopaegma of the Brazilian savannas. These two species attracted more ants than neighboring plants, with individuals that presented higher amounts of EFNs being visited by a higher number of ants than plants with lower amounts of EFNs (intra-population variation). Nonetheless, no effect of EFNs and ants was observed on herbivory nor on the performance of the studied plants, contradicting the expectations of the mediated EFNs defense hypothesis. Alternative hypotheses were also considered including the cost/benefits model to understand the outcomes of ant-plant interaction: (1) phylogenetic inertia hypothesis that connect EFNs-ant interactions with the plant transitions between different environments (forests to savannas); and (2) geographic mosaic hypothesis that predict differences in the outcomes of ant-plant interactions across populations. The third chapter tested the defensive role of extrafloral nectaries in the context of the phylogenetic history of Bignonieae. Species of plants with a higher number of EFNs were visited by a higher number of ants (test controlled by phylogeny). In addition, closely related species presented a higher difference in the abundance of EFNs than expected under the neutral model of evolution. Such deviation may have resulted by directional forces of slection and moments of counter-selection, given the costs and benefits of the extrafloral nectaries for the plants. Two specific factors were considered as the major possible determinants of the evolutionary patterns of the EFNs: (1) change of habitat from forests to savannas (extrinsic factors); and (2) emergence of new morphological characters such as other trichome types over the plant\ s surface (intrinsic factors). Both factors might have altered the ant-plant interactions and the evolution of nectaries. The occupation of the savannas was associated with a decrease in the number of nectaries (likely due to counter-selection of these structures), while the evolution of adhesive glandular trichomes presenting the same effect on the nectaries. Both results are discussed in the light of the biotic variation (ants and herbivores) encountered between habitats, as well as in the light of the trade-off among defensive characters. The fourth chapter tested the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution in 10 populations of the savanna species Anemopaegma álbum. No correlations were found among extrafloral nectaries (and nectar variables), the abundance of visiting ants, herbivory, and plant performance among populations. This pattern was mainly associated with the variation in the assembly of ants encountered in the various populations. Most populations of A. álbum were dominated by assemblages of Camponotus ants, except for one that was dominated by Crematogaster ants. However, 3 of 10 populations studied presented a high number of plants without ants, decreasing the chances of defense against herbivores by EFNs. The abundance of ants was negatively associated with herbivory, and positively associated with plant performance variables among populations. Out of the 10 populations sampled, five presented an abundance of EFNs that matched the functional traits of ants. Out of these five populations, only three presented positive leaf production and low herbivory. From these three populations, two presented high abundances of EFNs on the leaves and were dominated by Camponotus ants (i.e., bigger in size, but with a low recruiting capacity). The third population presented on average the smallest abundance of EFNs on the leaves; it also presented the highest number of ants per plant (and the highest frequency), which generally were Crematogaster ants (smaller in size but with greater recruiting capacity). Because these ants are smaller in size, they used nearly all isolated EFNs encountered over the plant\ s surface. Neither the abundance of EFNs, the abundance of ants, and the assemblage of herbivores were structured spatially, corroborating the geographic mosaic hypothesis for the ant-plant-herbivore interactions in A. album. In this context, the three populations with \"matched\" ant-plant interactions were considered \ hot-spots\ of interactions, in which the populations reached the highest values of plant performance, while the others were considered \ cold-spots\ . The majority of \ cold spot\ populations were explained by a lack of sufficient ants to protect the plants effectively


comparative methods extrafloral nectaries adaptação adaptation geographic mosaic interação planta-animal método comparado mosaico geográfico natural selection nectário extrafloral phylogenetic signal plant-animal interactions seleção natural sinal filogenético

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