Evolução de práticas culturais: a análise de uma organização autogestionável




Cultural problems and processes have been the main discussion point in Social Sciences for the past 30 years in the area of applied Behavior Analysis. From an explicative research model of selection by consequences, culture is defined as practice which guaranties individuals access to consequences that could only be acquired from individuals integrated actions, being this interaction the unit of basic analysis of the culture. With this unit it is possible to conduct studies which describe the evolution of the culture in broaden social systems or in small social groups. The organizations would be a social group that have been presented a wide range of practical management: organization model, work management and productive processes. Work cooperatives, or associative-based organizations differ from traditional organizations in their management practice as they have cooperation as their principle. This work aimed to describe the evolution of cultural practices of management from a work cooperative of production, highlighting which components determined the establishment of some verbal practices of deliberation, of the organization structure and organizational productive process as well as the effects of deliberation of individual consequences and in the consequences of collective access. Observation of management and productive processes as well as documents, such as Social Statue, Minutes of Assembly meetings, of Fiscal and Administrative Board and Financial Balance sheet and Employees Registration Book from a Garbage Recycling Plant have been analyzed in order to ascertain the relation between varied developed practices and generated products. It was noticed that the organizational culture can be observed in terms of functional relations between deliberative practices and the production in the varied productive units of the organization. This work enabled the investigation to identify the role of verbal contingencies in the process of implementation of productive practices as well as the structure and eventual modifications in the deliberative structures. It was also observed possible determiners which have modified cultural practices, especially the ones related to social, economical and geographical issues. The present work sough to show the concept of organizational culture based on the selective model of applied Behavior Analysis.


cultura organizacional práticas culturais social phenomena cultural practice metacontingências work cooperatives fenômenos sociais cooperativas de trabalho psicologia experimental metacontingency organizational culture

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