Evolução da política de ciência, tecnologia e inovação : uma análise exploratória dos instrumentos de financiamento sob a coordenação da Finep / Evolution of the science, technology and innovation policy : an exploratory analysis of the financial instruments coordinated by the Finep


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Brazilian Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP) began in the late 90s a reform process based on the expansion of the legal framework to encourage innovation and the creation of stable sources of funding for their actions. These main elements enabled the creation of a set of instruments for promoting R&D&I, which had the purpose of contributing to increase the innovation capacity of firms in order to rise their competitiveness. The operation of these financial instruments (loans with interest rate reduced, subvention, sectorial funds and venture capital), has been held by Finep, placed within the framework of the policy guidelines, which have included among others strategies, sectorial prioritization, also shared with the industrial policy. The aim of this study is to find out how has been the evolution of the Science, Technology and Innovation Brazilian Policy, based on two main elements: a review of basic documents through which are formalized and disclosed the policy guidelines in this area and an analysis of the operation of financial support instruments for R&D&I under the responsibility of Finep since 1999. The specific purpose is to determine the priorities established for STI in the last three ministerial and government plans and how was made the resource allocation through the instruments created, to establish their congruence with the dynamics of the Brazilian industry. To do so is made an presentation of the more relevant aspects of the sectorial dynamics of the industry, in order to identify aspects of production and innovation performance that concern the exploitation and targeting of the resources allocated by Finep. It is used for the analysis the OECD industrial classification founded on the technological bases that determine the competitiveness of each sector.


pesquisa e desenvolvimento - financiamento ciencia e tecnologia - financiamento research and development science and technology finep

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