Evolução da microestrutura e da textura durante o processamento de chapas da liga Al-Mn-Fe-Si (3003) produzidas por lingotamento contínuo: um estudo comparativo com o processo semi-contínuo. / Microstructure and texture evolution of the Al-Mn-Fe-Si (3003) aluminum alloy produced from continuous casting process: comparative analysis with semi-continuous casting process.




The main reason for the development of this PhD Thesis was to compare the microstructures and textures of the 3003 aluminum alloy produced from continuous and semi-continuous casting processes. The roll caster process (continuous casting) has been increasingly used in the aluminum industry. Products usually obtained by means of heavy rolling operations in the past are nowadays obtained with dimensions close to the final ones using the roll caster technology. To understand this new process, microstructures and textures (macrotexture and microtexture) along the thickness of the sheet produced by continuos casting and semi-continuous casting (plates with 250 mm thickness, followed by homogenization and hot rolling) have been investigated. It was possible to verify that materials coming from these two processes did differ each other a lot mainly across the thickness. During roll casting the plastic deformation was large enough to promote the formation of dislocation cells and subgrains. It was also possible to notice that the microstructure, morphology, and grain size from as-cast sample are more homogenous than the ones found in hot rolled samples. Both the sheets obtained by hot rolling and continuous casting have shown a strong texture gradient across the thickness. The predominant texture in both processes is the Brass component {011} . The texture evolution from sheets obtained by roll casting was also determined after rolling and subsequent recrystallization. It shows the presence of typical components of rolling and recrystallization of aluminum. After 91% cold rolling and subsequent recrystallization at 400°C for 1 h, the cube component (recrystallization texture) and the deformation texture were observed. It is well known that this texture minimizes earing effects during deep drawing of aluminum products. Another relevant point in this work was the development of the technique for the extraction of precipitates for the aluminum 3003 alloy. The extraction of precipitates extraction is particularly problematic in aluminum because most of the particles tend to dissolve more readily than the aluminum matrix. Some of the techniques performed are the following: 1. chemical dissolution with iodine in methanol solution; 2. electrolytic dissolution with benzoic acid and hydroxyquinoline in chloroform and methanol; 3. electrolytic dissolution with perchloric acid, butyl-glycol and ethanol; 4. chemical dissolution with phenol solution. Chemical dissolution with the phenol solution was the technique that provided the best results. It was possible to separate precipitates from the aluminum matrix. With this extraction technique it was possible to analyze phase transformations of the intermetallic compound Al6Mn during heat treating of this alloy. The phase transformation of the Al6Mn compound into alfa-AlMnSi, also known as 6-to-alfa transformation, could be followed in detail by means of this technique. Precipitation plays an important role in the recrystallization kinetics and final grain size. Therefore, to understand this behavior, the roll cast aluminum alloy was cold rolled from two distinct starting conditions: as-cast and heat-treated (homogeneized) conditions. It was shown that recrystallization was delayed in the sheet rolled from the as-cast condition. Precipitation has occurred simultaneously with recrystallization, in such a manner that dispersoids did precipitate in the deformed microstructure, preferentially, at subgrain boundaries or at free dislocations. As a result, the rearrangement of the dislocations and further recrystallization nucleation has been significantly retarded.


twin roll casting roll caster x ray diffraction difração de raios x ebsd aluminum ebsd alumínio

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