Eventos reprodutivos pregressos como indicador de risco para o desenvolvimento de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 em mulheres idosas




The development of chronic degenerative diseases in the aging process is common event, including Diabetes Mellitus type-2 (DM-II) that play an important role among them. DM-II is caused by a polygenic base interacting with ambient factors, such as obesity and physical inactivity. The major risk factors for its development are age, ethnic group, familial history of DM-II, and central obesity. In individuals, many times genetically predisposed to, insulin resistance (RI) is the major factor responsible for the development of DM-II. RI prevalence is 10% to 25% within general population, depending on the obesity degree. Although the exact mechanisms that cause IR are unknown, this problem plays a central role in the development of several diseases. Among them, it should be pointed out DM-II, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Metabolic Syndrome, and Gestational Diabetes. This study aimed to identify the importance of past reproductive events as markers to the development of DM-II among elderly women. Then, 200 elderly women were studied, being 75 diabetics and 125, non-diabetics. It was observed that past history of fetal macrosomia and spontaneous miscarriage were predictive to the development of DM-II among elderly women (p=0,001). On the other hand, frequent miscarriage, nulliparity and parity do not reveal as a risk factor for it, although this does not weaken the importance of past reproductive events to predict this risk (p=0,30; p=0,13; p=0,25),respectively.


macrossomia elderly women resistÃncia insulÃnica diabetes mellitus type-2 macrosomia envelhecimento; insulina diabetes mellitus; gerontologia; aborto espontÃneo mulheres idosas abortamento diabetes mellitus tipo 2 saude coletiva miscarriage insulin resistance

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