Eventos de vida estressantes, estrategias de enfrentamento, senso de auto-eficacia depressivos em idosos residentes na comunidade : dados do PENSA / Stressful life events, coping, seif-efficacy of coping, and depression in community-dwelling elderly: data from PENSA




This study is a psychological investigation about depression on aging. We examined the effects of stressful life events, coping, and self-efficacy of coping on depression in 544 aged participants from PENSA, a study on successful aging involving community-dwelling old people in Juiz de Fora/MG, who reported stressful life events in the last five years (74,6% women; Mean age = 72.11; SD = 8.29; 42,1% aged 60-69; 39% 70-79 and 18,9% 80-99). Stressful life events were classified into five categories: related to the own death and illness, uncontrollable, related to care, turning points, and related to psychological well-being. The 19-itens from California Coping Inventory (Aldwin, Sutton e Lachman, 1996) were reduced into five factors through factor analysis: emotional negative expression, environment control, religiosity, avoidance behaviors, and emotional suppression. Self-efficacy of coping was evaluated as appropriate x inappropriate. Depression was evaluate through a valid Brazilian version of the CES-D (Radloff, 1977, Tavares, 2004); mean score of depression was 10.24 (SD= 8,66); 32% scored >12 in CES-D. There was no difference in depression among gender; the participants aged 60-69 scored more than those aged 70-99. Analysis of regression showed that risk for depression was associated with: use of emotional negative expression coping-focused, uncontrollable events, being aged 60-69 and evaluate self-efficacy of coping as “inappropriate”. The results show depression on aging as a complex phenomenon, especially when examined with psychological and behavioral variables such as stressful life events, coping and self-efficacy of coping.


stress (psicologia) depressão - aspectos psicologicos ajustamento (psicologia) na velhice envelhecimento - aspectos psicologicos stress aging depression behavior

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