Evaluation of the teaching and learning process in mathematics: contributions from the historical-cultural theory. / Avaliação do processo de ensino e aprendizagem em matemática: contribuições da teoria histórico-cultural.




This research aims to investigate the meaning of evaluation in mathematics from the historical-cultural perspective, focusing on the activity theory. In order to develop the investigation, a collaborative group was formed from the Oficina Pedagógica de Matemática de Ribeirão Preto São Paulo (Math Pedagogic Workshop of Ribeirão Preto OPM/RP), constituted by teachers of Educação Infantil (Brazilian Primary Education) and teachers of the first years of Ensino Fundamental (Brazilian Secondary Education), which were participants of this research. The main role of the collaborative group was to offer an oriented development to the teachers about the teaching of mathematics from the historical-cultural perspective, aiming at collecting data on the process of appropriation of mathematical knowledge by the teachers. The development process, based on the premises of the Teaching Oriented Activity, privileged the introduction of problem-solving situations, whose solutions allowed the elaboration of knowledge, referring not only to math contents, but also to the teaching practice: teaching, learning and evaluating in mathematics. In analyzing data, we used the concept of isolated (CARAÇA, 1989, MOURA, 2000) as a theoreticalmethodological principle to understand the phenomenon under development. Data were organized into three isolated teachers learning, teaching organization and pedagogical practice, having in mind the relationship of interdependency and fluency among them. It is in the relationship among the teachers learning (appropriation of theoretical-methodological concepts on the teaching of mathematics), the organization of teaching (how to elaborate the teaching activity so that students can appropriate concepts) and the pedagogical practice (how to put theoretical-methodological concepts into practice in the classroom) that the teacher develops professionally, that is, learns to become a teacher through a continuous developing process. The synthesis about the teachers learning process was important to systematize the guiding elements of evaluation in mathematics from the historical-cultural perspective. Results showed that evaluation is constituted of a continuous process of analysis and synthesis, and its north is set by the aim of the teaching activity elaborated by the teacher, that is, his/her pedagogical intentionality. The main characteristic of evaluation lies on keeping track of the teaching and learning process, by means of the analysis of the activity system, along the dynamics between the teaching activity and the learning activity, taking into consideration the activity constitutive elements (need, reasons, objectives, actions and operations). By analyzing the actions of teaching and the actions of learning, having as parameters the characteristics of the theoretical thought (reflection, analysis and theoretical rationalization), we conclude that evaluation is a mediator between the teaching activity elaborated by the teacher and the learning activity performed by the school students.


learning evaluation atividade de ensino atividade de aprendizagem teoria da atividade ensino de matemática learning activity teaching of mathematics avaliação da aprendizagem teaching activity activity theory

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