Evaluation of the imunoblotting for the bovine cysticercosis diagnosis / Avaliação do imunoblot no diagnóstico da cisticercose bovina




The bovine cisticercosis is an illness caused by the larva of Taenia saginata called Cysticercus bovis. Recently the implementation of immunologic tests has been suggested as alternative for the diagnosis of the illness, amongst these tests the Immunoblotting, that basically detect antibodies in the serum. The present work objectives the evaluation of the Immunoblotting performance in the immunodiagnosis of bovine cisticercosis as well as of Taenia saginata and Taenia crassiceps antigens. The Taenia saginata antigens (Tsag) was gotten from the calves through the experimental infection and the Taenia crassiceps (LVcra and Tcra) antigen was gotten through experimental infection in mice balb/c. The antigens had been tested in four groups of Immunoblot control-serum: 28 samples of animals experimentally infected, 32 from naturally infected animals, 28 samples without illnesses and 19 samples with other pathologies. The peptides that had only reacted with the positive serum had been selected and identified as important, observing the localization criteria (molecular weight) as well as its physical appearance, particularly the color intensity. Related to these characteristics, valid for three tested antigens, the bands of 4-6, 14 and 18KDa had been distinguished between the others, showing the highest taxes of performance and a differentiated profile, with bigger area and height, similar to a spot. The 4-6KDa peptides presented the taxes of 66.7, 66.7 and 50% of sensitivity and 97.5, 84.6 and 96.2% of specificity when used the LVcra, Tcra and Tsag antigens, respectively. The 14KDa peptide presented 87.5, 87.5 and 77.8% of sensitivity and 97.5 94.9 and 100% of specificity with the LVcra, Tcra and Tsag antigens, respectively. The 18KDa peptide presented for LVcra, Tcra and Tsag, respectively, 75, 41.7 and 88.9% sensitivity values and 97.5, 89.7 and 92.3% of specificity. Crossed reactions with other illnesses between the three antigenic preparations and the 4-6, 14 and 18KDa peptides had not been observed. The values reached in this experiment indicate that the peptides with molecular weight of 4-6, 14 and 18KDa, can be considered important in the diagnosis of bovine cisticercosis. Low sensitivity values of Immunoblot had been observed when serum of animals with natural infection, generally discrete, had been considered. On the other hand, serum samples of antibodies from the studied bovines demonstrated high taxes of performance in the recognition of the 4-6, 14 and 18 Kda peptides, what characterize the test qualitatively, becoming it useful for the diagnosis of cisticercosis, as well as teste antigens.


inspecao de produtos de origem animal imunoblot bovine cysticercosis cisticercose bovina imunoblotting teania saginata taenia crassiceps teania saginata taenia crassiceps

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