Evaluation of retropreparations carried out with smooth ultrasound, diamond coated and no polished tips / "Avaliação de retropreparos confecionados por pontas de ultra-som lisas, diamantadas e despolidas"




Given the advantages of the use of ultrasound in the preparation of retrograde cavities, the present study evaluated the smooth, diamond -coated and use of no polished tips regarding the time required for the preparation of cavities, the presence of dirt and the penetration of the 0,2% rhodamine dye solution. After the apicectomy and endodontic treatment of the thirty-four single -rooted teeth studied, we divided them into 3 groups of 10 according to the tip used in the rootend preparation. Four roots were used as positive and negative controls. The preparation of the retrograde cavities consisted of two phases: phase 1 (the ultrasound tip should reach 3mm of depth; dirt should not be spotted by the naked eye; preparation with class I characteristics), and phase 2 (use of the ultrasound tip corresponding to each group for more than 40 seconds). At the end of each phase, the specimens were evaluated under an optical microscope that enhanced them 20X, and were then photographed. Four examiners analyzed the presence of dirt in the root-end preparation surfaces. The time spent in phase 1 was recorded. All the specimens were then root-end filling with MTA. After 72 hours, they were submerged in a 0,2% rhodamine solution and cleaved after 24 hours. We then analyzed the hemi-part that contained the highest penetration. The results showed that the no polished tips require shorter time in the preparation of retrograde cavities. After over 40 seconds of preparation (phase 2), there was a reduction in the amount of dirt in all the groups studied, with no signify cant differences between the groups. As regards the penetration of the rhodamine dye at 0,2%, the results did not show statistically significant differences as regards preparations with smooth, diamondcoated and no polished tips, and root-end filling with MTA. Therefore , we concluded that the type of ultrasound tip influences the preparation time, even though it has no influence on the penetration of MTA. It is important to stress that the presence of dirt is highly minimized when the preparation is complemented by 40 more seconds.


ultrasound retropreparations retropreparos ultra -som

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