Evaluation of physical and mechanical properties of steam cured concrete made with high early strenght Portland cement and blastfurnace slag cement containing silica fume / Avaliação das propriedades fisicas e mecanicas de concretos produzidos com os cimentos Portland de alta resistencia inicial e de alto-forno aditivados com silica ativa curados termicamente




The durability of concrete structures depends on porous structure and its impermeability. The entrance of water and deleterious agents begin the damage processes and reduce the life of the concretestructure. ln that way, the aim of this work was to evaluate the mechanical resistance, permeability, absorption and natural carbonation of concretes submitted to different curing procedures. The curing procedures adopted were usually used in civil construction and in the production of precast structures: moist curing until the age 6f 7 days, curing in air, and steam curing. The maximum temperature of steam curing was 60°C. All concretes were produced with High Early Strength Portland cement (CP V ARl) and Blastfurnace Portland cement (CP TIl) without and with silica fume (10% of replacement, by mass, of Portland cement) for each one of the different curing procedure used. The results showed that the curing procedure affects the concrete performance, providing variations in their mechanical properties and in their durability, mainly in porous structure. Therefore, the curing process used is essential to guarantee the mechanical resistance and the durability of the concretes. The use of silica fume improved the performance of the concretes, as for the mechanical resistance as for its durability, independent of the curing procedure used


escoria propriedades mecanicas concrete mechanical properties blastfurnace slag concreto pre-moldado slag durability of building materials concreto cimento portland portland cement materiais de construção - durabilidade concrete effect of temperature silica fume concreto - efeito de temperatura precast concrete

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