Evaluation of Photovoltaic Pumping Systems / Avaliação de sistemas fotovoltaicos de bombeamento




The present dissertation shows the evaluation of three Photovoltaic Pumping Systems, which involves two configurations: the equipment dedicated to the photovoltaic technology and the alternative equipment with nominal powers between 0.75 CV and 1.0 CV. The results show that the alternative configuration attained minor daily efficiency of the motopump system. The economic evaluation reveals the competitiveness of the alternative configuration in comparison with imported photovoltaic technology dedicated systems. It also should be considered the availability of equipment for power conditioning and the facility of replacement. It was also verified that the alternative configuration, variable speed drive WEG CFW08 and 1.0 CV SOMAR motor pump with 8 stages, works with daily efficiency near 30% in the 20 to 40 meters operation range. Therefore, with an adequate choice of the motor pump for the alternative configuration, performances similar to the imported photovoltaic technology dedicated systems can be obtained. For 30 meters, the alternative configuration pumped only 1% less than the Grundfos system. The cost of pumped volume for 30 meters of manometer total height of the alternative system is 22% cheaper than the system Grundfos and 51% cheaper than the system Solarjack (Sun Pumps).


photovoltaic pumping systems variable speed drive economic evaluation conversores de frequência motor pump motobomba sistemas fotovoltaicos de bombeamento avaliação econômica

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