Evaluation of non-technical electriccal energy losses: : methodology applied to Salvador city / Avaliação de perdas de energia elétrica não-técnicas metodologia aplicada no Município de Salvador




This dissertation presents a stratification and quantification methodology of nontechnical losses, also referred to as commercial ones, treated as a loss matrix,associating for areas or districts the losses due to irregularities of the consumers consumption measuring controls, self re-connections done by the clients, clandestinely connected units and also those related to public lighting. The development of this methodology is statistically based and, for the dimensioning of the samples and the expansion of the results, the following aspects were taken into consideration: number of consumers, classes, consumption bands and geographical areas, resulting in the development of specific software. Such matricial quantification directs the correct actions for loss reduction to the real focus of the problem, assuring a comprehensive diagnosis and the adoption of adequate intensity of measures for its remedy.


electric energy losses electric energy distribution energia elétrica - regulação electric energy regulation energia elétrica - distribuição engenharia eletrica energia elétrica - perdas

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