Evaluation of mechanical and rheological properties of butadiene-styrene(SBR) compounds filled with elastomeric wastes from useless tires / Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas e reológicas de composições de butadieno-estireno (SBR) com resíduos elastoméricos de pneus inservíveis




Currently, the great appeal about the ambiental questions has forced much more companies and industries around the world to search ecological alternatives to their activities. However, the environmental sustainability it is not a task only for the factories. The consumption society must be able to choice products obtained by cleaner technologies and easily disposable. Occurs that the option for correct ecologically articles probably is not the best choice in point of view of mechanical performance. The aim of this M.Sc. Dissertation was to show butadiene-styrene (SBR) compounds filled with varied concentrations of elastomeric wastes from useless tires obtained from recapping factories processes. The samples were submitted to mechanical and rheologycal evaluation. The results showed that samples obtained by addition of up to 120 phr of elastomeric wastes had the best mechanical performance considering tear strength in comparison to sample with only carbon black as filler. Rheological experiments, specially strain sweep tests, showed to be an important tool to predict the homogeneity of compositions and their sensibilities to strain at constant frequency and temperature.


mechanical performance useless tires resíduos elastoméricos rheologycal properties. pneus inservíveis polimeros e coloides elastomeric wastes desempenho mecânico compostos de butadieno-estireno styrene-butadiene compounds propriedades reológicas.

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