Evaluation of field performance of cover systems at Rio Paracatu Mine (RPM) / Avaliação de desempenho de sistemas de cobertura na mina Rio Paracatu Mineração (RPM)




In view of the RPM need to study soil covering systems and the scientific interest in those studies, two experimental evapotranspirative cover systems were projected and built, one with and, the other, without, a layer of capillary barrier, both with a monitoring system composed by superficial drainage meter, lisimeters to measure infiltration and geotechnical instrumentation to monitor water content and suction in the different soil layers. These experiments were implanted in the RPM site in an area called "barraginha" that received the tailings of the mine pilot plant operation. The experiments were accompanied by a period of approximately one year. Parallel to that field activity, an extensive laboratory testing program was undertaken comprising characterization, compaction and saturated permeability tests and tests to determine the water retention curves of soils that composed the layers of the covering systems. Using the field results, the variation with time of the water balance (precipitation, superficial drainage, evapotranspiration and infiltration) and the water content and suction profiles of the covering systems were evaluated.


cover systems instrumentação geotecnica sistemas de cobertura solos não-saturados instrumentation unsatured soils

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