Evaluation of cell cycle by hematopoietic cells of malnourished mice / Avaliação do ciclo celular de células hematopoiéticas da medula óssea de camundongos submetidos à desnutrição protéica




The different forms of the malnutrition attacks millions of people in everybody generally, affecting children, just-born below of the weight for its gestacional age, aged and patient under parenteral nutrition. The protein malnutrition induces atrophy in haematopoietic organs, inducing pancitopenia of peripheral blood, modifies the specific and inespecífica immune reply, and of this form, the association between illness and DPE are frequent. Some studies indicate that the malnutrition produces some effect cellular as reduction of the proliferation capacity, in some organs. As consequence of the constant and raised protein demand for the bone marrow, that can present qualitative and quantitative alterations in conditions of protein malnutrition. In this work we evaluate the effect of the DP on the cellular cycle of cells of bone marrow of mice. Mice Swiss males, adults, had been fed or with ration I contend 2% of protein (unfed group, D) or with ration with 20% of protein (group has controlled, C). The used protein source was casein. After loss of 25% of corporeal weight of group D, harvested blood and cells of bone marrow and spleen. The cells of the blood had been quantified as well as the ones of spleen and bone marrow. The cells of the bone marrow later had been coradas with orange of acridine (AO) and propidium iodide of (PI), evaluating, for citometria of flow, respectively DNA/RNA and DNA. These same procedures had been executed after 10 and 15 days of the administration, in both the groups, of the 5-Fluoracil (that it takes the cells the state of rest - G0). The animals of the malnutrition group, as well as those after 10 and 15 days of the administration of the 5-Fluoracil, had presented anemia, beyond significant reduction of number of erythrocytis, hematocrit and reticulocytes, and quantitative alterations in the progenitors by bone marrow and of spleen. The data of the flow cytometric (express in % of cells of the analyzed population) show that in DP, a bigger amount of cells of outside meets bone marrow of the cellular cycle (G0), and a lesser population of cells in the proliferative phases of the cellular cycle, S/G2/M, in populations of all progenitors by bone marrow, except erythroids and lymphoids B, and all the maturative periods of training, as well as cells Sca-1, stem cells murina. This bigger cellular population in G0 also is observed after the effect of the 5-Fluoracil, what it corroborates the assumption of incapacity of return to the cellular cycle on the part of the cells of marrow of the malnutrition animals. These results can explain, in part, the hipoplasia to medular and sanguineous pancitopenia.


hematopoietis camundongos desnutrição protéico-energética hemopoese ciclo celular medula óssea cell cycle malnourished mice

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