Evaluation comparison of PMMA intermolecular interaction in thermoforming. / Avaliação comparativa da interação intermolecular do PMMA em termoformagem.




Poly(methyl methacrylate) sheets can be modified adding a cross-linking agent and a plasticizer, to increase performance during thermoforming. The intermolecular interaction modification can be achieved adding different amount of cross-linking agent (TEGDMA) and a plasticizer (DOP). They have an effect on the network polymer system improving the intermolecular interaction and increasing the macromolecular distances, respectively. The aim of this study was to prepare acrylic sheets formulations with differents amounts of TEGDMA and a fixed amount of DOP, and thermoformed using at differents process temperatures and a mould cylinder at the same strain rate. Samples were carried out and their properties physical, mechanical, thermal and thermoformability was characterized. The results have shown strain increases, changes in surface hardness, Young moduli and glass transition temperature, compared to a reference acrylic sheet.


ligações cruzadas pmma plastificante pmma plasticizer thermoforming termoformagem cross-link

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