Eugenia da disciplina : o discurso medico-pedagogico nos anos 20




This dissertation was concerned with the reconstruct of the medical-pedagogical discourse on eugenic in the of São Paulo, Brazil, within the twenties, the period was build up a competitive social order in the country. The research examines the "speeches" of hygienist eugenicist physicians, fowsing on aspects with unveil city when attempts of producting "good offsprings" fitted for the new social order. Based on Michael Foucault s approach, and in particular on the notion of "bio-power", the research was an attempt to deal with the idea of eugenic taken as a technic for the control of power in society. The study identified several strategies to submit students and urban workers pointing out sexual practices as the core of articulation of various fields of knowledge: medicine, education and mental hygiene. These formulation articulated with the purpose to "create" the "civilized" brazilian citizen that who would lead the country to get rid of the under-development, under the control of the eugenicists have not reached i ts goal, but produced only disciplined sUbjects


analise do discurso narrativo medicos - discursos. ensaios eugenia - são paulo (sp) conferencias

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