Eugène Sue en Buenos Aires: Edición, circulación y comercialización del folletín durante el rosismo


Varia hist.




Abstract In1845, the local agency in Buenos Aires of El Correo de Ultramar - a monthly Parisian journal dedicated to the Hispanic public - was announcing in big notices that there was beginning the subscription of two famous feuilletons, The Wandering Jew of Eugène Sue, and The Mysteries of London, of Paul Féval. In that same notice he noticed an illustrated Spanish edition of The Mysteries of Paris, which also distributed the agency of El Correo ... Thenceforth, the press of Buenos Aires, as well as the printers and local publishers, found in the famous feuilletons of Sue and Dumas an unknown field of publishing competence. This essay analyzes the introduction of the feuilleton in Buenos Aires, especially Eugène Sue's successful feuilletons, in a period - that of the government rosista - in general badly or carelessly examined, focusing on modalities of editing and reading demands.

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