Etnoictiologia, dieta e tabus alimentares dos pescadores artesanais de Ilhabel/SP / Ethnoichthyology, diet and food taboos of artisanal fishermen




This thesis was developed in three communities of artisanal fishermen from Ilhabela, located on the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The general objective was to analyze, by means of an ethnoichthyological inventory, the diet analysis and food taboos, the fishermen interactions with fish resources as well as the diversity of fish use, focusing on the understanding of the environmental and cultural aspects of the man-fishing-fish interaction. The ethnobiological data was collected through interviews using semi-structured questionnaires and photos of fish species from the region. For the data collection on diet, recalls of 24 hours were carried out checking the food items consumed; about the preferences and food taboos among fishermen and other family members over 18 were interviewed with structured guide. The specimens of the fish fauna present in the landings occurred in communities, during periods of data collection were collected, identified and fixed. The ethnobiological data was analyzed throughout comparisons with the scientific literature of ichthyology. The diet data were analyzed using indices of diversity, niche amplitude, rarefaction curve and T-test. This research included 15 families from Serrania beach, 4 from Jabaquara beach and 5 from Fome beach, totaling 26 interviews of ethnoichthyology, 489 meals sampled and 26 interviews with food preferences and taboos. According to the knowledge of fishermen an ethnotaxonomic list was produced encompassing of 41 folk names, 17 binomials and 8 groups of fish considered related among themselves. These and other information about fish ecology (food, habitat, predation and shoal formation) are in high concordance with the scientific literature. The diet of fishermen showed to be diverse in relation to the total number of food items consumed and some differences were identified when comparing communities. The Fishermen prefer to consume scale fish and not to consume the puffer fish, due to its toxic characteristic. Some fish are avoided in cases such as wounds, inflammations, pregnancy and post partum and other fish are recommended as medical treatment in these situations. Aspects related to the diet, as well as the consumption of fish and the fishing activities are part of the body of knowledge of the fishermen and their families, and constitute a rich body of information that added up to the biological information is useful to the conservation of fish resources.


ethnoichthyology etnoictiologia diet fisheries dietas fishermen pesca - ilhabela (sp) pescadores

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