Ética e uso de drogas: uma contribuição da ontologia social para o campo da saúde pública e da redução de danos




On this study, we realized an ontological approach about the foundation of the social being, with a prospect to situate drugs addiction as an activity that attend needs placed by social praxis. We have analyzed historical particularities of bourgeois sociability under a context of productive re-structuration, identifying on such process the determinations that befall over shifts on drugs use, from seventy decade last century. Weve searched to grasp such mediations of political and cultural economical nature that under the cultural postmodern ambience disturb public space configurations, interactive praxis and subjective forms of social individuals, and the way how such mediations shape drugs addition, and social and health answers in such area. Weve discussed the emergency context of the damage reduction approach on our middle, raising the problems of the development process from his linkage with the contingencies proceeding from HIV/aids epidemic. We submitted two texts, a chronic that report a drugs use experience from a fiction personage and a pioneer text over the debate about damage reduction on our middle, to an analysis of ontological perspective seeking to identify the way how the social praxis foundation expressed themselves through such reports. The result of our analysis indicate the need of an explanation of ethical and political differences that allow a confront of damage reduction and the dominant approaches at the drugs field. They indicate, too, the potentialities of the damage reduction for the building of social and health answers on drugs areas, more democratic and oriented to an autonomy and liberty assertion of social individuals facing drugs use


uso de drogas servico social drugs use drogas -- abuso -- aspectos sociais -- brasil

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