Ethnic-Racial relations and curriculum in thesis and dissertations developed in stricto sensu graduate programs in Education Brazil (1987-2006) / Relações etnicorraciais e currículos escolares em teses e dissertações produzidas nos programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu em Educação Brasil (1987-2006)




The purpose of this study was to systematize and analyze the main questions investigated in doctoral thesis and masters dissertations focused on ethnic-racial relations and school curriculum, developed in Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs in Education over the 1987-2006 period. In order to select the academic works which became the object of our analysis, we have used CAPES (Coordination of High-Level Personnel Training) thesis database. By means of this survey, we could identify 187 studies focused on the analysis of ethnic-racial relations with respect to the black population. From this framework of reference, we have delimited our subject of interest to the analysis of the studies which discussed ethnic-racial relations and school curriculums related to the basic education provided by Brazilian official educational systems. The study on ethnic-racial relations was based on authors such as Munanga (1996a, 2004a, 2004b); Gomes (2004, 2005, 2007); Gonçalves &Silva (2000, 2004); Cavalleiro (2005a, 2005b); Pinto (1987, 1993) and Silva (2001). The theoretical reasoning on the curriculum has its sources in the works of authors such as Sacristán (1999, 2000a, 2000b), Apple (1982), Giroux (1997) and McLaren (2000) which substantiated our selection and analysis of academic works on ethnic-racial relations and school curriculums, resulting in a total of 51 investigations. However, we had access to 29 studies in which we used the content analysis method by means of categorical analysis (BARDIN, 2008). As a result, the investigations were grouped into four categories: black people in textbooks; ethnic-racial relations in the curriculum in action; stereotypes, racial prejudice and racial discrimination in daily school life, and the teaching of Africans and black Brazilians history and culture in school curriculums. Finally, we have highlighted that discussions relating to ethnic-racial relations and school curriculums offer valuable opportunities with regard to rethinking school


brasil -- relacoes etnicas raciais curriculo black population currículos escolares educacao levantamento em teses e dissertações brasil -- relacoes raciais -- dissertacoes e teses school curriculums survey in thesis and dissertations relações etnicorraciais população negra brasil -- relacoes etnicas -- dissertacoes e teses ethnic-racial relations

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