Estudos sobre modelos de crescimento populacional e modelos econômicos




The fundamental purpose of this thesis is to propitiate some thoughts and contributions os theoric, conceptual, critical and methodological order about the population growths models and economical models considering the interaction established between those models and the Economic and Social Development. From this perspective, different existing concepts were gathered refering to concept models in general, viewing their mathematical formulations as a mean to make easier the comprehension of population and economical models (as for the form) but to distinguish them from these (as for the contents). The view that was here fixed demanded, from on side, to go through Science and Philosophys History and even to Sciences Philosophy searching for concepts and critical foundations results, and from the other side, to submit to examination, although in a restrictive way, the relationship between Population, Economy and Society, since economical models are built on this environment, were countless contradictory relationship are established. If this aspects were not examined through that perspective, we would be doing what we are trying to avoid, and wich has been largely propagate, that is, to suggest models in a mechanical way and devoid of any criticism, usign habits of thinking to different fields from which they were formed. Under this aspect, Political Economy is converted to a Mathematics Physic Chapter (Reductio scientiae ad mathematicam et ad physicam) where, not seldom, we come to the best empirical evidence to justify an equivocal or ambigous theory when not to na ideology


modelos economicos ciencias sociais aplicadas populacao crescimento populacional desenvolvimento economico

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