Estudos de padrões morfológicos de tronco, raízes e casca externa de árvores emergentes e de dossel da floresta ombrófila densa no parque estadual Carlos Botelho, SP / Morphologic patterns of trunk, roots and bark of emergent and canopy trees of dense ombrophyllous forest in Carlos BotelhoState Park, SP




Emergent and canopy trees of lowmontane dense ombrophyllous forest in a permanent plot (10,24ha) in "Carlos Botelho" State Park, SP, were studied and morphologically described. Trunk, roots and outer bark patterns were considered in order to make field identification easier. A total of 324 trees, 64 species and 36 families were included (DAP ≥ 48cm) and analyzed. We provide descriptions, figures and an identification key based on the following features: trunk at breast high; trunk base; apparent roots; superficial roots; and texture of outer bark. Since there is not a standard morphological nomenclature for these patterns, we propose a nomenclature here, besides using those terms proposed by Torres et al. (1994) and Ribeiro et al. (1999) with some adaptations. Trunk are named terete or angular, straight or with an expanded base. Roots are named digitated or buttressed. Thirteen basic patterns of outer bark texture were named: entire, rough, messy, rugose, fissured, cracked, lenticellate, reticulate, flaky, scaly, laminate, variegated and dippled. Using this terminology allows its application and comparison with data from different areas. They should be used with other features, reproductive and vegetative ones, in order to allow a correct identification.


permanent plot parcelas permanentes floresta ombrófila densa morfologia vegetal plant morphology dense ombrophyllous forest

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