Estudos de locos de características quantitativas, de expressão gênica e teste de paternidade em suínos / Studies of quantitative trait loci, genic expression and of paternity testing in pigs


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The accomplishment of the present study had as objective: 1) to map Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 12, 14, 15 and X in a F2 pig population developed by mating two Brazilian Piau breed sires with 18 dams from a commercial line (Landrace × Large White × Pietrain); 2) investigate the level of expression of candidate genes influencing economic traits in pigs and 3)develop a panel of microsatellite markers for paternity testing and origin of pigs. A total of 18 QTL were indentified to carcass and quality traits and a total of 6 QTL to performance traits, from these, the QTL for cooking loss and for slaughter age (days) was significant at the 5% genome-wise level. The backfat thickness trait was mainly associated with the Piau breed allele, known as a fat pig. It was observed in diferences in the expressions of the genes CAPN3, COL12A1, COL15A1, EPOR, IGF2 and MyoD1 among groups genetic Piau, commercial and crossbred, opening prospects for further studies, sequencing and search for causal mutation associated with quantitative traits. Accurate information of paternity are fundamental to the estimation of breeding values and thus ensure the success of breeding programs. The the 28 microsatellite markers evaluated were highly informative, showed combined exclusion probabilities for the situations where the mother s genotype is known (P1) and the situation where the mother s genotype is not available (P2) greater than 99% and can be considered efficient for paternity and traceability analysis in pigs. The results obtained in this study and shown in the various chapters were relevant and contributed to more information about the genomic involved in the development of quantitative traits of economic importance in pigs production and also showed the effectiveness of testing for individual identification in pigs.


genetica e melhoramento dos animais domesticos genética de suínos genômica de suínos produção de suínos pig pig genomic swine genetics

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