Estudos de ionização de moléculas poliatômicas de interesse tecnológico.




Complex polyatomic compounds are increasingly being used for modern technological applications, e.g., those related to the semiconductor industry, generation of new materials etc. However, there is a big lack of knowledge of the fundamental properties of such relevant chemical species, and more investigations of them are highly desirable. In the above context, we have studied electron impact partial and total ionization cross sections, in the energy range of Emin 1000 eV for molecules like CHF3, C2F6, CF3Cl and C2H4. A time-of-flight mass spectrometer developed at the Laboratório de Espalhamento de Elétrons, at the chemistry department of UFSCar, was used to perform these studies. Absolute scattering cross sections were obtained using the relative flow technique. Also, we have begun studies using the synchrotron radiation in pulsed mode with a view to determine the photoionization cross sections at the Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron. In this work we have tested the viability of this method to determine the photoionization cross section by studying the gases for which these cross sections are already present in the literature.


seção de choque de fotoionização espalhamento eletrônico quimica colisão elétron - moléculas espectroscopia molecular ionização

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