Estudo sobre possÃveis relaÃÃes entre anemia carencial e hormÃnios tireodianos em crianÃas de creches pÃblicas em recife, 2004




It is estimated that 25% of the world population is afflicted by iron (Fe) privation and the most affected groups are children from four to twenty-four months of age, school students, female teenagers, pregnant and women who are breast feeding. In Brazil, iron-deficiency anemia represents an important problem of Public Health. The national prevalence is very high, afflicting 50% of less than two years old children and 35% of pregnant females. In Northeast of Brazil, the prevalence is from 50% to 83,5% of anemia in the first twenty four months of age. Analyzing two ambulatory services in Recife- PE, the prevalence varied from 41% to 77% in the first twenty four months age group. Many studies have shown that the iron-deficiency anemia has a serious implication on child growth and development, since it is associated with delays in cognitive and psychomotor development, with growth deficits and decrease of resistance to infections. Others factors are also involved in central nervous system development and growth, like thyroid hormones. Itâs estimated that 800 million of people in the world have some degree of iodine deficiency. The Thyroid gland produces two related hormones, thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronin (T3) which perform a critical role in cellular differentiation during the development and help to keep the tumorgenic and metabolic homeostasis in adults. The Iodine deficiency may lead to hypothyroidism and cretinism. In childhood, it leads to retarded growth if the deficiency is severe. Many studies indicate that Iron deficiency is a responsible co-factor for the hormonal modification found in populations with malnutrition anemia with a decrease of T3 ad T4 levels. The Iron deficiency anemia causes a decrease in activity of 5th hepatic deiodinasys, which catalyzes the T4 conversion into T3. Others studies suggest that the activity control mechanisms of this enzyme are directly affected by Iron deficiency, altering the status of thyroid hormones. Objective â The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship between Iron deficiency anemia and alterations on thyroid hormones levels in children from 6 to 24 months old in the public day nurseries located on IV and VI sanitary districts in Recife, state of Pernambuco, in the Northeastern Region of Brazil. Materials and Methods â We selected 260 children from 6-24 months old to evaluate anthropometric data, hemoglobin blood levels, thyroid hormones, TSH and albumin. These data were compared with the occurrence of anemia. Results â results prove an anemia prevalence of 92,6%, where only 7,4% are over 11g/dl and 28% show serious anemia. The levels of thyroid hormones were kept in normal band lines by the method used on three levels of hemoglobin (<9; 9 to 10,9; >11). While albumin showed a significant reduction on children with anemia (p=0,0026). The anthropometric data: age, weight and height, showed no statistical correlation with thyroid hormones. Conclusion â Our research demonstrate that there was no correlation between blood levels of hemoglobin and the thyroid function even on the more serious levels of anemia bearers. Analyzed children showed normal levels of T3, T4 and TSH despite of the high anemia indicators found on studied population. However, many researches in animals and humans demonstrated that the Iron deficiency prejudices the metabolism of the thyroid. High prevalence of anemia in 6-24 years old children drive us to question ourselves if, in absence of iodine depletion, the thyroid function would not be affected by the anemia scenery in the region.


cheches pÃblicas cranÃas fisiologia anemia thyroid anemia tireÃide

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