Estudo sobre demanda e oferta de informação em saúde




Study about the phenomenon of information demand versus information supply in Brazilian public health. Considers for the study the Data Base of Technical Health Information (BITS) used for applying the information needs that citizen who dial to the telephone services (Disque Saúde) and literature available on the Virtual Health Library, both supported by the Ministry of Health. The Bibliographic Research considered the theoretical foundations of demand (information need) and supply (creation and provision of information) from the viewpoint of Information Science and the Information Management in organizations. This search highlights the importance of the topic to recover the Pyramid of Satisfaction of Human Needs, as a counterpoint to the clusters and their relevance to the informational needs of basic information of the individual. Also, discusses the role of virtual libraries and the public ombudsman services. The empirical research was structured throughout the framework of public health policies in Brazil and the institutional roles in order to qualify the services and legitimating the National Health System. The research method considers the potential of quantitative and qualitative research, because the ultimate goal is the discussion of elements that show the relationship between information need and demanded. To obtain items to support the discussion was used the Archivarius 3000 system to analyze throughout he body of research (electronic archives of publications, articles, and others kind of documents) the relevance of the documents and their conditions to satisfy the information needs of users. It was used by parameter the quantity of times that the subjects appeared in the documents. The results indicates the urgent need to standardize the language used by BITS and also by the documental lenguages to propose a model of information management to promote the approchement between the two areas that handle the information about the supply and demand on information. This approach favors the gradual implementation of the Printer Policy of Brazilian Ministry of Health and the progress in consolidation of a National Policy for Information on Health.


informação em saúde oferta e demanda de informação em saúde information need and information supply gestão da informação em saúde pública ciencia da informacao public health information

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