Estudo sobre a importancia do plano horizontal de Frankfurt em telerradiografias postero-anteriores para analise cefalometrica-padrão Ricketts




The purpose of this paper was to verify the alterations of the cephalometric mmeasurements that occur when the position of the patient s head is shifted in r relation to the Frankfurt plane. Thirtyadult, leucodermic patients quere submitted to posterior-anterior radiographs, in which the computerized cephalometric analysis was carried out following Ricketts standard. The Tukey test was employed to test sample means of the measurements obtained and the means were compared two by two. The results did not show signifiC?ant differences for the following measurements: Nasal Transversal Width, Facial Transversal Width, Skeleton Simetry, Inferior Intermolar and Canine Relation, Superior and Inferior Right and Left Molar Relation and Left Maxilo-Mandibular Transverse Relation. However, the differences were significant for the following measurements: Nasal Vertical Dimension, Mandibular Transversal Width, Maxilla Transversal Width, Inferior Right and Left Molar Relation with the jaw, Ofrion-Mento Distance and Rigth Maxillo-Mandibular Transverse Relation. One concludes that small alterations in the position of the patient s head can convey erroneous cephalometric results and consequently lead to inadequade diagnostics and treatment plans. One also concludes that due to these inclinations of the head, differences occur in the facial typology, determinede by the Morphological Faciallndex.


radiografia distorções cefalometria

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