Estudo molecular em individuos com surdez sensorioneural não-sindromica monoalelicos para mutações no gene GJB2 / Molecular study in subjects with sensorineural nonsyndromic deafness and monoallelics mutations in GJB2 gene




Mutations in the GJB2 gene (Cx26) are the most common cause of autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing loss. However, in 10 to 40% of these cases, mutations in Cx26 gene are detected in on1y one allele which causes a problem in molecular diagnostico These findings could be attributed to the existence of mutations in non-coding regions of the gene or mutations in other genes of which protein products are involved in interaction with Cx26. The aim of this study was to clarifying the genetic cause of the hearing loss of 45 patients with non-syndromic sensorioneural deafness, monoallelics for pathogenic mutations in the coding region of the GJB2 gene. Mutations including deletions and duplications in the GJB2, GJB3 and GJB6 genes were investigated in these patients. The IVSl+ 1G>A splice site mutation in the non-coding region of the GJB2 gene which can contribute to the deafuess phenotype was also investigated in all 45 patients. In order to evaluate the frequency of the IVSl+ 1G>A mutation were tested 142 Brazilian patients with non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss without any pathogenic mutation ín the GJB2 coding region. Furthermore, the MLP A method (Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification) was used to evaluate its usefulness in detecting deletions/duplications in genes involved in hearing loss. Ten different mutations in the GJB2 gene and one deletion in the GJB6 gene were found. These findings eXplained the hearing loss about 27% ofGJB2 monoallelic patients. The IVSl+ 1G>A mutation was found in two monoallelics patients. This alteration was not found in patients without mutations in the GJB2 coding region. This mutation seems to be rare in deaf Brazilian patients. One patient a deletion was found in the promoter region of GJB2 gene and in another patients a duplication was observed by the MLP A method. These possible alterations were not described in noncoding region of GJB2 gene yet. Additional molecular and functional studies are needed to assess a possible association of these findings with hearing loss. MLP A proved to be a highly accurate method to detected deletions and duplications in the genome. Therefore, we have shown in the present study that this technique can explain the deafness in monoallelics patients


mutação (biologia) conexinas hearing loss connexins mutation (biology) perda auditiva

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