Estudo histologico dos efeitos de drogas antiinflamatorias (Betametasona, Papaina e Prioxicam) sobre a evolução do tecido de granulação em ratos




The aim Qf the present work has been the attendance of the synthesis of the colagene in the tissue of granulation tnduced artiftciaJly Qn mice since a premature phase until its maturation. It has been objetivized also the study of the several effects of drugs anti inflammatory, wi th di fferent active principIes) in the evolution of this same tissue, comparing it with that observad on animaIs under normal conditions. The obtained results demonstrated that the betametasone in the dose of 0.0428 mg/kg is a potent inhibitor of the sunthesis of the colagene, the same occurring with the papaine in the dose of 285.7 U/kg this however in a lesser degree...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


drogas - efeito fisiologico rato - efeito das drogas histologia

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