Estudo histologico do tecido de granulação de ratos submetidos a baixas doses de radiação de eletrons




The present work had the aim to study the influence of low doses of eletron radiation in rat tissue repair. For this purpose, it were used 3 groups of animals as follows: control group, wound irradiated group and wound periphery irradiated group. The wounds were surgically produced in the anterior dorsal region of the rats, in the following measures: 2,3 cm (Ienght), 1,4 cm (width) and 0,2 cm (deep). During the act of irradiation, the animals from one of the irradiated groups had their bodies completely protected so that only the wounds were irradiated; in the other irradiated group, the animal bodies and the wounds were protected and only the wound peripheric regions (1,0 cm width) were irradiated. Electron irradiation (1,0 Gy with a 6 MeV beam) was performed 72 hours after wound induction. Tissue repair was studied at 5, 7, 10, 14, 17, 20 and 24 days of granulation tissue development and the morphologic aspects were evaluated by means of haematoxilyn-eosin staining. From the results obtained, its was concluded that electron radiation has caused a delay in the repair process of both the irradiated groups. It was also concluded that the effects of the radiation were more marked in the wound periphery irradiated group than in the wound irradiated group


radicais livres rato como animal de laboratorio biologia radiação ionizante

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