Estudo hidrogeológico do Subgrupo Itararé no médio Rio Tietê, Município de Tietê, SP / Itararé Subgroup hydrogeological study in the Middle Tietê rivers of the Tietê municipalitie, São Paulo State




The present paper is a contribution to the hydrogeology of Tietê Municipality, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The main subject of this research is the Permocarboniferous Itararé Subgroup of the Tubarão Group, specially the Tietê Formation due to its groundwater potential. Surface water sources, including the most of the rivers, are not fitted for consumption because of the high pollution degree. As a consequence, the search for groundwater became of utmost importance. The State of São Paulo "Instituto Geológico" supports a Itararé field work program covering the Middle Tiete Valley region for a long time. Extensive boreholes data allowed an evaluation of the local Itararé facies relationships. The present paper intends to study the Tietê Municipality hydrogeology in order to open an extensive discussion of the Itararé Subgroup facies whit especial reference to the Tietê Formation. This paper intends to fix the most suitable searching methods to characterize the best hydrogeologic potential of these sediments, so important to get potable water for the Tietê Municipality. The field work includes the interpretation of pumping data from deep wells and characterization of isotopic and chemical attributes of the groundwater in order to improve our knowledge of its origin and chemical composition including the salt contents.


hidrogeologia hydrogeology itararé subgroup poço tubular pump test subgrupo itararé testes de vazão tubular well

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