Estudo experimental de campos hiperfinos magnéticos em ligas de heusler


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In the present work we report on the measurements of magnetic hyperfine fields (mhf), acting on 111 Cd as impurity in the series of Heusler alloys Pd2MnIn1 _ xSn x, Pd2MnSn1 _ ySby and Pd 1+x MnSb for values of x and y between O and 1, by using the differential perturbed angular correlation technique. The alloys of Pd2MnIni _ xSnx are antiferromagnetic for x <0.5, show coexistent antiferro and ferromagnetic phases in the range of 0.5¿ x¿ 0.9 and are ferromagnetic for x >0.9. The alloys of Pd2MnSn1 _ ySby are ferromagnetic for all y (0 0.5 and all y), an increasing negative field of -150 k0e to -235 k0e was observed, its value following closely the behavior of the Curie temperatures as a function of the number of sp electrons. The alloys of Pdi¿MnSb are ferromagnetic for all x (0 x 1). The crystal structure is L21 for x =1 and changes homogeneously to Clb for x =0. For nearly all compositions in these alloys, three different mhf s were observed at 111cd. These fields shift only slightly with x about the values +250 k0e, -250 k0e and -130 k0e. The three fields have been related to 111 Cd in Mn, Sb and Pd sites respectively. The experimental mhf results obtained in the present work, and all data presently available in the literature, for mhf at 5sp elements in several Heusler alloys, are discussed in terms of the existing theoretical models, particularly those of Caroli and Blandin and of Blandin and Campbell. As however these models show deficiencies in explaining the results, a new semiempirical model is developed where the mhf s for various different 5sp probe atoms and sitings of these in a number of Heusler alloys and even in iron are explained consistently in terms of effective spin density oscillations of the form p = p0c0s0/0 3.


fisica da materia condensada ligas de heusler espectros raios gama difracao de raios x propriedades fisicas dos materiais : propriedades magneticas interacoes eletromagneticas

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