Estudo experimental da condutividade hidrÃulica de solo argiloso compactado: contaminaÃÃo por gasolina




This research studies the hydraulic conductivity in compacted clay obtained of the FormaÃÃo Barreira, when percolated by pollutants fluids. The fluids used were: water, gasoline, saturated aqueous solution of chloride of sodium and gasoline diluted in water. Physical and chemical characterization experiments of the soil and chemical analyses of the liquids were executed before and after the percolation. In the determination of the hydraulic conductivity the equipment Triflex-2 was used with or without modifications, adapting it to the conditions of the percolating fluids. The chemical analyses of the soils were conducted according to EMBRAPA methodology. Gas Chromatography and of Faire Flame Emission Spectrophotometer were used for the percolating fluids. In all experiments for pollutants fluids, reductions were observed for the hydraulic conductivity. For the Standard Brazilian gasoline the efficiency in the removal of part of its components was satisfactory. With the obtained results, we concluded that soil type has an important application in the physical control of pollutants fluids migration


hydraulic conductivity percolation hidrocarbonetos engenharia civil contaminaÃÃo percolaÃÃo contamination hydrocarbonets condutividade hidrÃulica

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