Estudo eletromanometrico do esfincter esofagico superior e corpo do esofago apos distensão intraluminar em normais e chagasicos




The fisiologic studies and analysis of upper esophageal sphincter (UES) have progressed slowly during the last years. Perhaps, this can be explained by its complex working mecanism that determines difficulties in performing these studies. It is known that UES constitutes a barrier to prevent reflux of esophageal contents to the tracheobrcnchial tree, however, there is a 5mall number of UES studies in chagasic patients. This research was especifically performed with the objective of studying the behaviour of UES and esophageal body in patients without advanced megaesophago chagasic (grade I and II) after intraluminal balloon distension with six different volumes of water. Two groups of individuals ware considered: Group I - Eight patients that were considered as being the normal controt group who presented negative Machado Guerreiro s reaction without disfhagia with normal esofago s x rays and endoscopy. Group II - Eleven patients that were considered as being the chagasie group who presented positive Machado Guerreiro´s reaction, with disfhagia symptoms and arrived from endemic zone, X rays with dilatation or terciary waves, without endoscopic alterations. During the eletromanometric procedures, it was introduced by nose multiluminal tubes constructed by eight catheteres assembIy. Four catheters had distal extremity opened with water perfusion continuosly at a rate of 0,2 ml/min. We did not use a perfusion pump. Two catheters had its orificies positioned in UES, 0,7 em apart. Causing optimal pressure detection in this regian. ... Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations.


esofago - cirurgia disturbios da deglutição esofago - fisiologia

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