Estudo e implementação de algoritmos inteligentes para detecção e classificação de falhas na medição de gás natural / Estudo e implementação de algoritmos inteligentes para detecção e classificação de falhas na medição de gás natural




This master dissertation presents the study and implementation of inteligent algorithms to monitor the measurement of sensors involved in natural gas custody transfer processes. To create these algoritmhs Artificial Neural Networks are investigated because they have some particular properties, such as: learning, adaptation, prediction. A neural predictor is developed to reproduce the sensor output dynamic behavior, in such a way that its output is compared to the real sensor output. A recurrent neural network is used for this purpose, because of its ability to deal with dynamic information. The real sensor output and the estimated predictor output work as the basis for the creation of possible sensor fault detection and diagnosis strategies. Two competitive neural network architectures are investigated and their capabilities are used to classify different kinds of faults. The prediction algorithm and the fault detection classification strategies, as well as the obtained results, are presented


fault detection and classification neural networks predição redes neurais detecção e classificação de falhas sensor prediction petroleo e petroquimica sensores

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