Estudo do processamento auditivo e da supressão das emissões otoacústicas em crianças com dislexia do desenvolvimento / Study of auditory processing and suppression of otoacoustic emissions in children with developmental dyslexia


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Introduction: For an adequate development of learning and writing abilities it is necessary the nervous system integrity, selective and sustained attention, auditory discrimination, short and long term memories and phonological awareness, which can be evaluated through auditory processing (AP) tests. It has been suggested that the function of the medial olivocochlear system can be evaluated by the suppression effect of the transient otoacoustic emission (TOAE). This system s function has been studied in children with disorder of AP because of its supposed actions on the improvement of auditory discrimination and speech intelligibility in noisy environments. Aim: Analyze the auditory processing and the suppression effect of transient otoacoustic emission (TOAE) in children with dyslexia, and analyze the effect of phonological, reading and writing remediation program in the AP. Material and Method: Children were divided in three groups: GE1: 23 dyslexia children; GE2: 15 children of GE1 were evaluated again after phonological, reading and writing remediation program; GC: 28 children of public school, without hearing or learning disabilities. Procedures were performed: anamnesis, basic audiologic evaluation, AP tests and suppression of OEA. Results: Children with dyslexia presented performance statistically inferior than GC in nonverbal sequential memory test (NSMT), dichotic digit test (DDT), pitch and duration pattern sequence test (PPS and DPS) and gaps in noise (GIN) - left hear. GE1 didn t present suppression of OAE. There wasn t correlation between the AP tests and the supression of OEA in any of the evaluated groups. The children of GE2 presented improvement statistically significant in performance in: DDT, PPS, DPS and GIN after remediation program. Only boys presented suppression of OEA in pos testing. Conclusion: Children with dyslexia from this study presented alteration in AP tests, mainly in auditory ability of temporal ordering. Phonological, reading and writing remediation were able to improve the auditory abilities of children with dyslexia from this study


percepção auditiva leitura remediação auditory perception reading remediation

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