Estudo do impacto ambiental causado por aterro sanitario via migração de gases




Urban solid wastes can be considered nowadays as of environmental concern because they are produced daily and in large quantities. When solid wastes management is inadequate it may lead to soil, air, and water resources pollution, or in other words, it can cause big trouble to public administrators and to the general population. Safe environmental techniques should be utilized when disposing solid residues, in order to preserve the land, the water, the air, and principally the population health.Sanitary landfills appear as one of the oldest methods for treatment and final disposal, and whenever new technologies are adopted, they will be always necessary as a sink for the final residues. The objective of this work is to evaluate the impacts caused by the gases, formed during the decomposition of organic matter from sanitary landfills, on the population living nearby the Parque Santa Bárbara landfill, in Campinas, SP, Brazil. The data necessary to analyze the environmental impacts were gathered through: evaluation questionnaire, methodology of impact evaluation - Leopold matrix, and characteristics and composition of the gas produced in the studied landfill


aterro sanitario poluentes organicos impacto ambiental - campinas (sp) residuos organicos

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