Estudo do comportamento elétrico de lâmpadas fluorescentes / Study of the electric behavior of fluorescent lamps


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work presents a broad study of the electrical behavior of compact fluorescent lamps. It includes an analysis of the lamp components and the circuit of the reactor; an analysis of the stability on the operating point of the lamp; a study of static and dynamic characteristics; a development of a mathematical model; simulations and experiments. It is also analyzed the phenomenon of sparkling in turned off fluorescent lamps. First it was made a general analysis of the characteristics of those lamps with magnetic and electronic reactors. Then it was made a comparative analysis between them considering the main usage characteristics: size, cost, stroboscopic effect and power factor. It was then studied the static behavior of fluorescent lamps. It was made an analysis of the stability on the operation point of the lamp in static regime considering not only the external circuit but also the plasma dynamic. It was shown that there is a good approximation for the static characteristic curve in the region of interest. We also observed that, with a constant current, the voltage has a periodic (but not sinusoidal) oscillation on top of a constant value of voltage. This oscillation of dozens of volts has a frequency of about 10kHz. The dynamic behavior of the fluorescent lamp was studied by using: the equation of the external circuit, the equation of the lamp dynamic and the equation of the approximation of the static characteristic. It was made simulations in the frequency of electric energy distribution (60Hz) and they were compared with the results obtained experimentally. When it was simulated the functioning of the lamp fed by sinusoidal voltage in high frequencies, we saw that both voltage and current in the lamp tend towards sinusoidal curves in phase, confirming that the lamp has a tendency to function as a resistor in high frequencies. The experiences in high frequencies confirmed this trend. We also saw, by looking at reactors circuits over the years, that the entrance filter was suppressed from electronic reactors of commercial compact fluorescent lamps. This fact revealed to be the cause of an undesirable effect of these lamps: the emission of flashes with small intensity and short duration in intervals of about a minute by some fluorescent lamps when they are turned off. It was analyzed the reason and it was proposed a solution to eliminate this phenomenon


lâmpadas fluorescentes fluorescent lamps

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