Estudo do aporte sedimentar em suspensão na Baía da Babitonga sob a ótica da geomorfologia / Study of suspended sediment yield into the Babitonga Bay under the perspective of the Geomorphology




The research had as main goal to estimate the suspended sediment yield into the Babitonga Bay from a sector of its hydrographic contribution area and was based on a geomorphological approach of the relationship among precipitation, relief and land use. The theorical methodological references were the works from Ab?Saber, about treatment levels for geomorphological research, and from Tricart, which proposes environmental classification based on its ecodynamic behavior. Field monitoring of discharge values was accomplished once a month for all ten rivers of the research área, as well as water sample collecting for laboratory suspended sediment quantification. Results indicate a clear distinct hydrological and hydrossedimentological behavior of the watersheds, which reflect the distinguished suspended sediment yield of each individual watershed into the bay. It was estimated that ca. 7,624 year/tons of suspended sediment are introduced into the Babitonga Bay, with 77.8% of that volume concentrated at the Cubatão river estuary.


baía da babitonga babitonga bay suspended sediment sedimentos em suspensão river discharge vazões

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