Estudo de propriedades ópticas não-lineares de cristal líquido dopado com corante em função da temperatura. / Studies of non-linear optical properties of dye doped liquid crystal in function of the temperature.




With the objective of studying the effects due to the addition of a dye in a thermotropic liquid crystal (LC), we investigated in this work the influence of the temperature in the reorientation of the molecules of this compound, as well as the refraction index and the non linear absorption, in the presence of a electromagnetic field. The studied LC presents the reorientation of its molecules in the presence of polarized light. This reorientation is due to the polarization induced by the electromagnetic field of the incident light in the molecules of LC. The torque, that causes such reorientation, is named Gammaopt. When these LCs are doped with certain dyes, the incident field also interact with the dye, inducing electric dipoles. These dipoles, interact with the molecules of the LC producing an additional torque Gammadye. This additional torque is proportional to the optical torque Gammadye = eta Gammaopt, where eta is a characteristic of the dye, a factor of amplification of the optical torque, that is temperature dependent. The main tool of our study is the z-scan technique and, it is through it, that we observed the influence of the temperature in the non linear, refractive and absorptive effects, exhibited by the samples. Through this technique, we calculated, as a function of the temperature, the amplification factor of the optical torque (eta); the non linear refractive index (n2) due to the molecular reorientation of the sample, with and without dye; and the non linear absorption coefficient (Beta) of the doped sample due to thermal effects, of reorientation (torque) and of all the effects together.


fluídos complexos corante liquid crystal dye non-linear optics complex fluids cristal líquido óptica não-linear

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