Estudo de organização em rede na metrologia em química / STUDY ON NETWORK ORGANIZATION IN CHEMICAL METROLOGY




This research is focused on identifying the benefits and to increase the amount of understanding associated with operation and performance of a network system focusing on chemical metrology. Its development comprised the identification of factors of influence and dimensions of improvement. The experimental research was conducted through a multiple case study that included national and international experiences developed through interviews and questionnaires with 33 senior researchers from the Brazilian Network for Chemical Measurements (formerly known as the Brazilian Program on Metrology in Chemistry) and 58 managers of chemical metrology area from 54 institutions in 46 countries that were mainly signatories to the Metre Convention. The conclusion that cooperative actuation like networks are especially beneficial. This is because the diversity of current demands for chemical metrology. In a network, these demands can be resolved with less investment, in a timely manner, using national specialist and equipment, and following global standards. However, management of such a network system requires careful oversight of all factors that affect its performance and maintenance, including those factors needed for its improvement. Future researchers are needed to validate these results, applying them to other network systems. In addition, complimentary studies should be done to identify the "weight" of the influencing factors to networks and the relation among them using mathematics models such as modeling techniques. Also practical experiences like the ones presented in this study can be applied in the development of theories like the Actor Network Theory.


redes tecnológicas gestão de redes. gestão de redes. metrologia química metrologia quimica redes tecnológicas

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