Estudo de fibra alternativa de escória de alto-forno como reforço em matrizes cimentícias / Study of alternative blast furnace slag fiber as reinforcement in cementitious matrices


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Waste generated in various industries have been utilized in the production of materials seeking to reduce the environmental impact. In the field of fibers, alternative materials have been produced in greater quantity and gaining prominence in the manufacture of composites more environmentally appropriate. Among these products is of blast furnace slag fiber, microfiber whose raw material is sourced from the production of pig iron, which has advantages in its production process by citing the cost savings and environmental gains by providing expansion of the applicability of a byproduct generated in large amounts, has stimulated interest in its use as reinforcement in cementitious matrices. In this sense, this research aims to assess whether, in addition to environmental benefits provided by the use of slag fiber as a substitute for other conventional fibers, application of this product may also offer technical benefits to increase the performance of cementitious matrices. For both the experimental program was divided into four phases, the initial step of characterization of materials used and the slag fiber by tests of X-ray Fluorescence, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The second step was proposed by assessing the affinity between fiber and cement matrix by testing of Le Chatelier. Allocated to third part of the experimental program to prepare the bodies of the test piece used in the tests and the final assessment for the composites with respect to: Workability; Tensile strength in bending, compressive strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity; Restrained and Retraction Impact Resistance. The results did not confirm the hypothesis, indicating that the performance of slag addition of fiber in cementitious matrices was unsatisfactory, and found fault in the distribution of fiber through the production of composite heterogeneous with the presence of fiber clustering and incorporation of air. Even with the problem in dispersion of fiber, it was considered a promising potential with test result of restrained shrinkage, where it was possible to verify the performance of micro stress distribution in the slag allowing delayed cracking in mortar reinforced rings. Additional studies seeking to improve the dispersion of the fiber also did not obtain good results. It is believed that for purposes of reinforcement in cementitious matrices the presence of resin added to the slag fiber in its manufacturing process compromises the dispersal of the material and hence its use in this type of reinforcement.


composites materiais de construção alternative fibers alto-forno : escória fibras de escória blast furnace slag fiber compósitos

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