Estudo de fermentação alcoolica por celulas de Saccharomyces cerevisiae imobilizadas em Crisotila




Chrysotile is a constituted mineral of silicate of magnesium of fibrous abundant in Brazil and it can be used as mineral support for yeast cells in continuous fermentation for ethanol production with immobilizedcells, which don t move fteely in the aqueous phase of the reactor, contributing to elevate its cellular density that promotes the speed increase of the of conversion of sugar in alcohol. The catalytic role of chrysotile support on acceleration of alcohol fermentation under no aseptic conditions by Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated. The fermentation medium employed was sugar-cane molasses diluted and the support was wrapped in organza sachets and distributed inside of the reactor, which kept the chrysotile fibers with immobilized cells on the reactor bed during the continuous fermentations, increasing the cel lular density and avoiding problems of reactor instability due to the blockage provoked by fibers accumulation in the exit tube ofthe reactor. The alcoholics fermentations in batch process executed with yeasts immobilized on the support, the initial rate ofCOz was increase in roughly 27 %, during the first 30 minutes compared with systems containing no chrysotile. Already in the alcoholics continuous fermentations with chrysotile in the reactor bed happened increase of the ethanol production at the several dilutions rates investigated, in comparison to a similar fermentation without crisotila, taken as pattem. This increase was more accentuated as larger the dilution rate


bebidas alcoolicas - consumo saccharomyces cerevisiae crisotila

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