Estudo de dinâmicas de paisagens no baixo curso do Rio Ipojuca, Pernambuco: potencial para sustentabilidade socioeconômica e cultural da região / Study of landscape dynamics in the lower course of Ipojuca river, Pernambuco: potential for the socioeconomic and cultural sustainability of the region




One of the greatest challenges in environmental planning and management is related to the need of overcoming the different regionalization forms. Since the beginnings, several are the unifying the basis efforts which allow a conciliatory limits management and space interventions. This project aims to analyze the landscape dynamics of the lower course of Ipojuca River (Pernambuco) enabling the identification of different complexity levels towards the planning and management of this object area, from the transformations and continuities of economic activities responsible for the dynamic of the socio-spatial area. The cutting choice here proposed if justified by the pressure points which characterize significant impacts in the dynamic of the basin in its whole such as: the presence of Suapes port-industry complex and the century existence of large scale activities related to sugar cane production and transformation. The landscape understanding in this work is presented in a systemic and integrated form, which the abiotic, biotic and anthropic components are understood in a interdependent way. These landscapes analysis allowed an approximation of its current configuration, as well as projected trends are towards the amendments, introduction or modification of its standards by large state or private enterprises means. The Suapes Port- Industry Complex receives a greater attention, as it presents a context in planning terms, completely different from its surroundings, since the verification and a regionalization which favors socioeconomic aspects and presents the natural elements/resources in second place. The overlap of such situation along with a regional analysis by statistic data points to a total region modification direction, urgently requiring new planning policies aimed at generating a framework for socioeconomic and cultural sustainability.


bacia hidrográfica landscape região paisagem planejamento regional region regional planning rio ipojuca rio ipojuca watershed

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