Estudo de danos causados a revestimentos de alvenarias de blocos cerâmicos de vedação através de inundações simuladas em protótipos




The present work is a study of the damages to coverings of construction masonry made from ceramic blocks in archetypes of walls submitted of simulated floodings. The extension of the damages is evaluated through the comparison of the performance of coverings of the archetypes after flooding, with same coverings in the condition of dry. Additionally, a study in literature was carried through of the main characteristics and properties of the used materials of construction in the confection of the archetypes of walls. Also gifts in the constructions and those decurrent ones of floodings on the constructions had been studied the patologias of humidity comumente. The studies show that when if allows that the coverings citizens simulated flooding have enough time for the evaporation of the water, the performance of the same ones if approaches to the previous conditions to flooding. When the setting time is insufficient, observes significant fall in its tack to the substratum. The studies also indicate that for times of immersion of 02, 08 and 24 hours did not have no type of pathological manifestation of great importance, except in the panels with covering in painting, in which it was observed formation of resultant bubbles of the water infiltration, having the lost film of ink the tack in some regions, in which was distinguished of the layer of mortar.


umidade em edificios teses. engenharia civil teses. revestimentos teses. construção civil teses.

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