Estudo de células dendríticas, expressão das citocinas TNF-alfa, IFN-gama e IL-10 e da molécula de adesão E-caderina em lesões vulvares induzidas pelo papilomavírus humano / Study of dendritic cells, cytokines TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma and IL-10 and the adhesion molecule E-cadherin in vulvar lesions induced by human papillomavirus




INTRODUCTION: The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most frequent agent in sexually transmitted diseases and is responsible for almost 40% of vulvovaginal cancer. We studied the immune response in vulvar lesions, considering the CD1a+, FXIIIa+ and S-100+ dendritic cells, TNF-, IFN- and IL-10 cytokines and the adhesion molecule E-cadherin. METHODS: We used 49 vulvar lesions mediated by HPV (condylomata acuminata, VIN-I, VIN-II e VIN-III) and 11 biopsies diagnosed as chronic non-specific vulvitis. Four groups were formed: low-grade lesions (condylomata and VIN-I), high-grade lesions (VIN-II and III), non-specific vulvitis and normal skin. The detection of cells, cytokines and e-cadherin was performed by immunohistochemistry reaction. RESULTS: Langerhans cells (CD1a+) were distributed through epithelia, mainly in suprabasal and spinous layer. They did not differ between HPV groups, but were decreased in number and size when compared to normal skin (p<0.0001). The S-100+ ou FXIIIa+ cells were distributed through stroma and did not differ between HPV lesions. Although the FXIIIa+DD were increased in size in vulvar lesions, their number did not differ from normal skin. The S-100+ cells did not differ in number between the groups of lesions and normal skin. We detected an increased number of FXIIIa+DD over S-100+ cells in the group of low-grade (p = 0.0008) and high-grade lesions (p = 0.0031). The cytokines were detected in small quantities in both the lesions groups, with no statistical difference. The group of chronic non-specific vulvitis was used as control group to analyse the expression of e-cadherin. 91.0% of non-specific vulvitis presented a homogeneous and diffuse pattern of expression in spinous layer Both the HPV+ groups of lesions presented similar patterns of e-cadherin expression, with a focal or diffuse localization in spinous layer. The dysplastic epithelium did not present immunoreactivity. As a result of the double-staining, using in situ hibridization to detect DNA of HPV and immunohistochemistry to FXIIIa+DD, it was possible to observe viral antigens in the cytoplasm of such cells. CONCLUSIONS: The HPV interfere with the expression of Langerhans cells, since they were decreased when compared to the normal skin; the FXIIIa+DD were increased in number over S-100+ cells, suggesting a local compensatory mechanism against the HPV; the low and high grade lesions did not differ in the number of cells expressing TNF-, IFN- and IL-10, although TNF- predominate among the three cytokines; there is a positive correlation between the FXIIIa+DD and the expression of TNF- that could be explained by their role as TNF-producing cells following a stimulus of HPV; the HPV changes the expression of E-cadherin in vulvar lesions, mainly in dysplastic epithelium; HPV DNA visualized in the cytoplasm of FXIIIa+DD and the cellular morphological changes, the increased number over S-100+ cells and the correlation with TNF-, allow us to suggest that FXIIIa+DD play an important role as antigen presenting cells in the infection by HPV.


caderinas citocinas vulva/lesões dendritic cells células dendríticas human papillomavirus cadherins papilomavírus humano vulva/injuries cytokines

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