Estudo das variedades de mandiocas (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivadas nos municÃpios cearenses de Acaraà meruoca




In the undeveloping countries or in countries in development, calories from carbohydrates such as: rice, tuber roots, cereals and vegetables are more acessible than meat, eggs, bird and milk derivates, which are rich in protein and grease.. Cassava is the main source of carbohydrates in the human diet in the North and Northeast region of the Brazil. Six varieties of cassava(Manihot esculenta Crantz) from two towns Meruoca (Cruvela, Milagrosa e Camila) and Acaraà (Fragosa, Geraldo Lopes e Guarani) in the State of Cearà were studied under different aspects. They were evaluated as regards: 1) hydrocyanic acid content, were analised by VOLHARD method modified by TELES. 2) production, were available by drying constant weigh at 65ÂC. 3) total sugars were analised by DUBOIS, method, and reducing carbohydrates, were analised by BERNFELD, method. 4) tannins content were estimated with BATE-SMITH methodology. The results showed that only one cassava variety, from Meruoca town, did not present toxicity (HCN = 43mg/kg). Both towns are excelent cassava producers because Milagrosa variety (from Meruoca) and Guarani variety (from acaraÃ) presented more than 40% of dry matter. All the varieties presented high content of carbohydrates, however Geraldo Lopes variety (from AcaraÃ) showed that practically all the carbohydrates found are reducing sugars. Tannins content found in the cassava samples was around 25 mg/g of dry matter which is permitted for human consumption


bioquimica manihot esculenta crantz - variedades

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