Estudo das variaveis determinantes no consumo de agua em escolas : o caso das unidades municipais de Campinas, São Paulo / Study of determinants variables of water consumption in schools : the case of the public schools in Campinas, São Paulo




The issue of water in cities involves the lack / shortage of resources associated with growing pollution and major indices of waste, which both occur during the use and operation, with losses due to leaks and misuse of water, as at the stage of project and implementation, with the employment indicators of consumption and flow rates of inadequate design, which can lead to supersize components of the building system, excessive flow rates at the consumption point, among others. The estimative of water consumption in buildings is usually made from the use of consumption indicator(IC) which is the relationship between the volume of water consumed in a established period and the number of consumers in this same period. Despite the easy of their determination, the IC does not showy the influence that some variables have on consumption, especially in a country with a large territorial extension as Brazil and thus, its use in different situations of design can lead the inadequate values of water consumption. On this way, this work presents a study of determinants variables of consumption in public schools, having as the object of this study thirteen units of the Campinas public school. From the remote monitoring of consumption for a period of eight months, on average, it was done a multiple regression analysis for the determination of models to estimate water consumption in two categories of schools: children daycare and kindgarden and middle schools. The results indicate that the daily maximum temperature, the total impermeable area and the number of close water with sanitary waste-gate variables were the most representative of consumption in children daycare and kindgarden. In the case of middle schools, the most representative variables were the daily maximum temperature, the permeable and impermeable total areas and the number of classrooms


building systems school escolas publicas agua - consumo edificios - engenharia ambiental water consumption escolas - edificios

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